Be proud of your smile

Przyjazna atmosfera
Wizyty w naszym gabinecie przebiegają bez stresu i bez bólu.

Najnowsze technologie
Pracujemy na nowoczesnym sprzęcie, co przekłada się na jakość usług.

Najlepsi denstyści
Nieustannie się rozwijamy, by oferować najwyższy standard usług.
What do we offer?
Professionalism, dedication, the highest quality of services – these are the things that we apply in our surgery. IdealDent is located in Gdynia and it has been created for about 10 years by people with the lengthy experience. We help our patients and we maintain a friendly and cosy atmosphere in our surgery. We always do our best to make our patients feel comfortable and safe. We are well-known for turning our broad experience into trust of our patients.
Professional services
Our dental surgery offers a broad range of services thanks to which we are able to provide a complex aid to more and more patients. We will professionally conduct procedures in such fields as:
- Conservative treatment and endodontics
- Paedodontics
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Dental prosthetics and implantology
- Orthodontics
- Periodontics
- Dental surgery
Aesthetic Medicine

IdealDent is located in the city centre of Gdynia.
Thus, it is an easy place to get by public transport, by car or on foot in order to have your teeth fixed and checked. Families are welcomed! Our employees have experience in both adult and children treatment. Each patient’s case is considered individually and we do always our best to comprehend the needs and meet the expectations of even the most demanding patients.
A dentist, a dental practitioner, a dental surgeon – each member of our team is an experienced, open person devoted to his or her job. We provide a friendly atmosphere and good relations both with our patients and among the employees. We utilize the newest dental equipment and the newest materials of the highest quality. Both ensure a full safety to our patients. Our services can be characterized as of a high effectiveness and a complete safety, whereas our anesthetics provide a great comfort during dental procedures. We seek to constantly broaden our knowledge and qualifications. All these aspects help us to guarantee our effective work and a full satisfaction of our patients when it comes to services that we offer.